In lieu of COVID-19 closures and for the safety of our staff and campers, The Quad Manhattan Summer program went virtual in the Summer of 2020. Browse the info below to see how we did it!
“[My child] had such a great experience at Quad camp this summer. We were very unsure about online camp, but by the second week, it was very clear this was going to work. It was a great transition to school in the Fall, but more than that, it made him feel connected to a community in a way he never experienced at any camp before.” - Virtual Summer Camp Parent, 2020
“Thank you for being so helpful in reaching out to us during the early months of the pandemic and taking such good care of [him]. I hope you have a safe fall.” - Virtual Summer Camp Parent, 2020
“[My daughter] is thriving again in areas that have been troubling, avoided, unaddressed for a long time.” - Virtual Summer Camp Parent, 2020
“[Our child] had a great time at Quad Manhattan - thanks for the thoughtfulness put into the program!” - Virtual Summer Camp Parents, 2020
“We wanted to thank everyone involved with The Quad Manhattan Summer Camp! [Our child’s] summer [was] so very meaningful and successful...We have to say that we were amazed with your dedication in organizing and teaching skills the past six weeks. We know it was a lot of work given the level of details involved in all the activities. Your kindness and caring attitudes toward [our child] and all the kids really showed. In particular, we witnessed a significant transformation in [our child’s] behavior. A lot had to do with your professionalism and mindfulness on how to reach and understand each individual kid's personality and needs. [Our child] was very excited to join Zoom each day, which is a sign to us that your program was meaningful for [him]. Believe us, he did not want to miss a day or even one minute. He would wait patiently each morning about a half hour before the start because he knew lots of fun and learning was in store for him. He was so happy to get the mystery boxes and all the supplies every week. Every evening, he would let us know which activities were his favorites. Sometimes, it was hard for him to choose just one...We were grateful for all [of] you and your team's efforts...The memories of Core 2 and the Milky Ways will forever be a part of [our child’s] history.” - Virtual Summer Camp Parents, 2020
Sample Schedules
(NEW) Electives
These spinoff classes are requested and created by Quad kids. Check out their ideas for these mini-electives, which meet regularly throughout the summer for mixed age groups. Click here for the course catalogue.
Intermediate to Advanced Minecraft Elective
Digital Photography
Harry Potter Potions Class w/ Snape
Harry Potter Herbology 101
Gamer’s Club
Historical Time Travel
Climate Activists
Cold Case Manhattan
“Core” Mystery Box of the Week
Everybody has a story to tell
Beyond the sing-a-long
Biomimicry & Music
YouTube Production
Virtual Book Club
Classic Specials with an Online Twist
Our traditional camp offers a wide range of talent development options for children to engage with their peers, generalize their social and emotional skills, and unleash creativity. Click here to see what the specialists have been cooking up for our virtual platform.
Improvisational Theater & Quad Prods
Strategy Games
Reader’s Workshop
Fine Arts
Add-On Private Sessions with Specialists, Tutors
As always, TQM will offer ways to fill the gap between the end of the camp day (12 PM for K-1, and 2 PM for grades 2 and up) and that five-o-clock hour. Ask about structured playdates via video chat (similar to aftercare). Click here to read more details.​
Language (French, Spanish, Italian)
Instrumental and Vocal Music
Reading, Writing, and Math intervention and instruction
Executive Functioning Coaching